Finance, Accounting, and Company Governance

The track emphasizes investment and financing choices, financial and corporate reporting, and risk management in multinational firms. Firms utilize various governance approaches and allocate decision-making to maximize organizational value while following financial reporting requirements of various nations. Corporate governance encompasses varying levels of internal and external oversight – board structures, compensation practices, ownership patterns, shareholder activism efforts, and disclosure choices across firms and national markets. We invite contributions on international finance and accounting, sustainable finance, MNE management, and corporate governance practices in an international context. We welcome novel research on the determinants of governance practices such as legal, financial, and political institutions, and their influences on performance outcomes, accounting standards, financial reporting quality, tax planning practices, financial risk management practices, ESG practices, climate risk management, bank lending, capital market development, venture capital development, and mergers and acquisitions.

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    June 04-05, 2025

    5th Global Business and Marketing Studies Summit

    Edinburgh, Scotland

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